
Due to the unequal distribution of wealth, India has arrived at a situation where the affluent class gets richer and richer and the underprivileged becomes poorer. To bridge this financial gap and to satisfy their day to day requirements, Uttrakhand State Co-operative Bank (UKStCB) plays a vital role by offering various loans to the finance seekers. Hence every borrower should have prior knowledge of the UKStCB Bank Loan’s policy, which is eligible for meeting their financial objectives.


In this policy there are following context: –

i) ‘Applicant’ means any person who has applied for loan to the UKStCB.

ii) ‘Board’ means the Board of Directors of the UKStCB.

iii) ‘Loan Committee’ means the Loan Distribution Managing Committee of the UKStCB.

iv) ‘Executive Committee’ means the Executive Board Committee of the UKStCB.

v)  ‘Hypotheca’ means the land, which is being mortgaged in favor of the UKStCB as   security.

vi)  M.D. means the Managing Director of the UKStCB



The application for loan shall be submitted by the applicant in person to the Manager of the UKStCB. Along with the loan application, the applicant in person, shall deposit a loan fee at the rate of the minimum of Rs. 100/- or the fee prescribed by the UKStCB as per the quantum of loan amount @ Rs. 4/- per thousand) with the UKStCB.

In case of withdrawal and unfit loan application, the UKStCB may return the loan fee after deducting the actual expenses incurred on Non-Encumbrance Certificate, legal opinion Fee, inspection of revenue record, etc. by the UKStCB.


NOTE: The fee shall be determined as pert ordered by M.D. on the amount applied for by the applicant and as prescribed by the UKStCB from time to time.